Fostering a Luxury Senior
Living Community through
Boosting Occupancy

Trinity Courtyard
[Case Study]

About the client

Trinity Courtyard is a luxury senior living community situated in the suburban charm of Fort Worth, Texas. The community was initially created for seniors who want to stay active without dealing with the challenges of home care.

The challenges

Low occupancy rate

Only 54% of the facility was occupied in 2015, despite having the capacity for much more. The aim was to reach 100% occupancy by the end of the year.

Lack of digital socialization for seniors

This challenge demanded a creative digital marketing strategy to attract new residents and promote online platforms and tools that encouraged social interaction, creating a sense of connectedness and community in the digital realm.

Outdated website

Their old website did not effectively display the facility’s features and advantages. Therefore, a complete website redesign was necessary to attract potential residents and their families.

A luxury senior living community - Trinity Courtyard

Our Marketing Solutions

To assist Trinity Courtyard in achieving their goals, the Romanz Agency used various strategic digital marketing solutions.

Sufficient Keyword Research

We performed in-depth keyword research to understand how prospective residents and their families searched for online senior living options. This helped us tailor our content to match their search intent and improve the facility’s search engine visibility.

Competitor Research and Backlink Analysis

By studying our client’s competitors, we gained valuable insights into the marketing strategies within this niche industry. Additionally, we conducted a backlink analysis to identify potential opportunities for establishing valuable online connections.

Citation Analysis and Correction

We undertook a thorough citation analysis to ensure all online mentions of Trinity Courtyard were accurate and beneficial. Any incorrect listings were promptly fixed, improving the facility’s local search ranking and online reputation.

Website Overhaul

Recognizing the need for an updated online presence, we designed and launched a new website for Trinity Courtyard. The new platform provided a comprehensive showcase of the facility’s offerings and created a user-friendly experience for visitors.

Enhancing Local Search

We focused on creating listings for Trinity Courtyard to improve its local search performance. Simultaneously, we managed reviews and posts to present a positive image of the facility to prospective residents.

Content Creation

Leveraging the power of content, we curated blog posts, infographics, and video tours to vividly depict life at Trinity Courtyard. This enriched the website and offered valuable resources for individuals seeking information on luxury senior living.

Link-Building Management

Lastly, we executed a strategic link-building campaign to boost the facility’s search engine rankings, attract more traffic, and establish its authority in the senior living sector.

Seniors at a luxury senior living facility

Our results

The strategic marketing solutions implemented by Romanz Agency generated impressive results for Trinity Courtyard, significantly enhancing their online visibility, engagement, and lead generation.

Lead Generation

From a humble start in 2015, with only 5 filled contact forms and 45 contact page visits, we witnessed remarkable growth in lead generation. By 2017, we saw an increase to 15 filled contact forms and 69 contact page visits. The growth trajectory continued into 2019 with 22 filled contact forms, 17 calls made directly from the website, 40 calls from Google listings, and 105 visits to the Contact Us page.

Website Traffic

The gradual growth in traffic noticed in 2015 gathered pace in subsequent years. By 2017, there was a significant uptick of 14% in organic traffic and an overall rise of 30%. Even in 2019, the overall traffic continued its upward trend, registering an increase of 5.74%.

Keyword Ranking

We started with very few keywords in 2015, but our SEO strategies began to pay off in 2017 when we saw a 5% increase in organic keywords. The growth continued; in 2019, we noticed a steady rise of 18% in organic keywords.


Our remarketing campaigns were successful in delivering exceptional results. In 2017, we achieved 8,101 impressions at a low CPC of $0.49, resulting in a total cost of only $32.50. In 2019, the campaign generated 6,834 impressions and 54 clicks with a slightly higher CPC of $0.74, costing $39.81.

Google Business Listing

The data from 2019 provides a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of our Google Business Listing strategies. Out of 7,923 total searches for Trinity Courtyard, 65 were branded searches, 2,040 were direct searches, and the majority, 5,818, were keyword searches.

Overall vs. organic traffic at Triniyu Courtyard in 2017
Orevall vs organic traffic at Trinity Courtyard in 2019
Google my business posts (screenshots)
GMB statistics for Trinity Courtyard (2019)

Overall, these measurable results underscore the success of our integrated digital marketing efforts in moving Trinity Courtyard closer to its occupancy and socialization goals.

content strategist

The Bottom Line

Romanz Agency boosted Trinity Courtyard’s online presence with digital marketing, leading to more website traffic and better lead generation. Contact us to learn how we can help your business with custom marketing strategies.

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